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Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению - texture


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Перевод с английского языка texture на русский

1) структура; строение; текстура; структурировать 2) текстурирование; текстурировать 3) детализация поверхности (объекта)
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См. в других словарях

  1) текстура; структура 2) строение – cellular texture ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. строение ткани; степень плотности ткани a shirt of (a) fine texture —- рубаха из тонкой ткани of rough texture —- груботканый 2. склад, строение; качество texture of verse —- поэтическая ткань, ткань стиха a mind of fine texture —- тонкий ум 3. спец. текстура; структура texture of a plant —- строение растения 4. воспроизведение текстуры, структуры 5. анат. биол. ткань 6. придавать структуру 7. складывать, формировать ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) строение ткани; степень плотности ткани; coarse (fine) texture - грубая (тонкая) ткань  2) структура, строение; the texture of a mineral - структура минерала  3) своеобразие, особенности художественной техники в произведениях искусства; фактура, ткань (произведения); the texture of verse - фактура стиха  4) paint. текстура  5) anat.; biol. ткань ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) мехсостав 2) строение 3) структура поверхности 4) текстура 5) ткань - Grandjean texture - beam texture - texture of wood ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  текстура (изображения) – image texture ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  текстура; фактура; структура texture of the original stone clastic texture concrete texture cryogenic texture crystalline texture nonclastic texture soil texture surface texture wood grain texture ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) строение, структура 2) текстура, полигр. тж. текстурный рисунок 3) переплетение (ткани) - texture of soil - abrasive texture - annealing texture - cellular texture - coarse-grained texture - cold rolling texture - cube-on-corner texture - exposed-aggregate texture - fiber texture - fine texture - frictional texture - fuzzy texture - martensite texture - open texture - parent texture - periodic texture - random texture - recrystallization texture - rolling texture - surface texture - vesicular texture ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 the feel or appearance of a surface or substance. 2 the arrangement of threads etc. in textile fabric. 3 the arrangement of small constituent parts. 4 Art the representation of the structure and detail of objects. 5 Mus. the quality of sound formed by combining parts. 6 the quality of a piece of writing, esp. with reference to imagery, alliteration, etc. 7 quality or style resulting from composition (the texture of her life). --v.tr. (usu. as textured adj.) provide with a texture. Derivatives textural adj. texturally adv. textureless adj. Etymology: ME f. L textura weaving (as TEXT) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Latin textura, from textus, past participle of texere to weave — more at technical  Date: 1578  1.  a. something composed of closely interwoven elements; specifically a woven cloth  b. the structure formed by the threads of a fabric  2.  a. essential part ; substance  b. identifying quality ; character  3.  a. the disposition or manner of union of the particles of a body or substance  b. the visual or tactile surface characteristics and appearance of something the ~ of an oil painting  4.  a. a composite of the elements of prose or poetry all these words…meet violently to form a ~ impressive and exciting — John Berryman  b. a pattern of musical sound created by tones or lines played or sung together  5.  a. basic scheme or structure  b. overall structure  • textural adjective  • texturally adverb  • ~d adjective  • ~less adjective  II. transitive verb  (~d; texturing)  Date: 1694 to give a particular ~ to ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (textures) 1. The texture of something is the way that it feels when you touch it, for example how smooth or rough it is. Aloe Vera is used in moisturisers to give them a wonderfully silky texture... N-VAR 2. The texture of something, especially food or soil, is its structure, for example whether it is light with lots of holes, or very heavy and solid. This cheese has an open, crumbly texture with a strong flavour... N-VAR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 the way a surface, substance, or material feels when you touch it, especially how smooth or rough it is  (the smooth texture of silk | a soil with a loose sandy texture) 2 literary the way the different parts are combined in a piece of writing, music, art etc in order to make a particular impression on you; character (2)  (the rich texture of Shakespeare's English) - textural adj - texturally adv ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1425, "network, structure," from M.Fr., from L. textura "web, texture, structure," from stem of textere "to weave," from PIE base *tek- "make." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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